We welcome you to an adventure with Istrian culture and tradition. We will start the day by visiting Poreč, a charming town located in the heart of the western coast of the peninsula. Porečis undoubtedly defined as the gem of the northern Adriatic. The picturesque location of the town, a multitude of narrow streets with wealthy noble palaces, historic temples, restaurants with a vibe, small shops with colourful souvenirs and street artists, make up the amazing atmosphere of the town. The largest attraction of this Istrian gem is undoubtedly the Euphrasian Basilica with the preserved early Christian mosaics. This is the reason why the basilica was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. With a licensed guide, we will stroll along the historic part of the town and we will learn about the rich history and numerous monuments.

After our free time, we will go to the countryside. We will make our way to a private household, where local cattle are bred. The place is called Boškarin – the region’s symbol. These are white-greyish cows with long hooves. For ages, these have been used for fieldwork, ploughing and pulling carts. The weight of one animal may even reach up to 1200kg.

Along with the onset of agricultural automation, the number of Boškarins has dramatically decreased. At one point, it has even become an extinct breed. Owing to local policy and special programmes, it was possible to rescue the species against extinction. Currently, there are about 2500 Boškarins in Istria area. Amongst restauranteurs, its meat is highly appreciated. It is also an integral part of the local cuisine.

It is worthy to note that thiscattleis bred far away from the civilisation in the natural environment, and it is fed sustainably.


– Presenting a story about the history of Boškarincattle breed and the fight for preserving the breed.
– Presenting the cattle in its natural habitat, i.e. in the homestead of 2000 m2 area, fenced with the so-called suhozidem(dry wall).
– Photo-taking next to Boškarin.
– Local cuisine tasting experience; aperitif, mixed cheese, prosciutto, home-made bacon, bread, 0.2l of local wine per person, fritters (mini-doughnuts).

OIB: 55173215974
MBS: 060306614
ID CODE: HR-AB-21-060306614
Ul. Tina Ujevića 72, 21220 Trogir, Coratia
Tel: ++385 (0) 21 643 473
Mob: ++385 (0) 95 824 14 42
Fortis Travel Junior travel agency operates as Fortis Travel Junior d.o.o. company with its seat at ul. Tina Ujevića 72, 21 220 Trogir, registered by the Economic Court in Split, founded in 16.12.2013.The founding capital is 20,000 kn, paid in full. The Director of the Board: Dorota Poduka

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